Initial Motion System

Now we’ve got some simple automation code, lets start a proper Motion system.

Most Motion systems are designed around a “control mode”, a fancy term for “what is the machine doing right now?" Common control modes are:

  • Idle - the default control mode, machines revert to Idle whenever they’re not doing anything
  • Automation - running an automation sequence
  • Recipe - executing a job (a set of instructions for how to execute a job and the motion parameters that should be used is often referred to as a Recipe)
  • Manual - manual movement, where velocity may be controlled via a handset or the user invokes a “jog to position” function

There are several ways to transition between control modes.

  • An AutomationSequence can end and we transition to Idle
  • The machine may encounter a fault (e.g. by hitting a limit switch) returning to Idle and latching some fault flag
  • The user may send a recipe to the machine and press the GO button (switching to the Recipe control mode)
  • The current recipe finishes successfully (transition to Idle),
  • and many more…

This all combines to make an interesting state machine diagram.

graph LR; A[Automation]; I((Idle)); R[Recipe]; M[Manual]; I-- Start Automation Sequence -->A; A-- Fault -->I; linkStyle 1 stroke:red; A-- Completed -->I; linkStyle 2 stroke:green; I-- GO -->R; R-- Recipe Finished -->I; linkStyle 4 stroke:green; R-- Fault -->I; linkStyle 5 stroke:red; I-- Jog -->M; I-- Handset Button Pressed -->M; M-- Handset Button Released -->I; linkStyle 8 stroke:green; M-- Jog Position Reached -->I; linkStyle 9 stroke:green; M-- Fault -->I; linkStyle 10 stroke:red;

You may also notice that a lot of the transitions are in response to a message from the user via our Communications system. This means we’ll end up declaring several new message types and handle them using the aimc_hal::messaging::Handler trait.

For now, we can keep things simple with just a set of GoHome and AbortMotion messages. The controller will need to switch control modes and ack or nack the messages, depending on whether the desired transition is supported at the time.


In its current form, the Motion system is rather simple. We haven’t implemented recipes or manual motion yet, so the only states are Idle and Home (our only automation sequence).

// motion/src/

pub struct Motion {
    control_mode: ControlMode,

pub enum ControlMode {

impl<L: Limits, A: Axes> System<L, A> for Motion {
    fn poll(&mut self, inputs: &L, outputs: &mut A) {
        match self.control_mode {
            ControlMode::Idle => {}
            ControlMode::Home(ref mut home) => match home.poll(inputs, outputs) {
                Transition::Complete => {
                    self.control_mode = ControlMode::Idle
                Transition::Fault(_) => {
                    // TODO: we should probably do something about this fault...
                    self.control_mode = ControlMode::Idle
                _ => {}

We’re polling the Home automation sequence and handling the Complete and Fault transition, but there’s no way to actually get into the Home state.

Usually this would be done in response to a message from the user, so… let’s add a new message to our Communications module and wire it up to the Router.

// motion/src/

#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Pread, Pwrite, IOread, IOwrite, SizeWith)]
pub struct StartHomingSequence {}

impl StartHomingSequence {
    pub const ID: u8 = 4;

// sim/src/

pub(crate) struct Router<'a> {
    pub(crate) fps: &'a mut FpsCounter,
    pub(crate) motion: &'a mut Motion,

impl<'a> MessageHandler for Router<'a> {
    fn handle_message(&mut self, msg: &Packet) -> Result<Packet, CommsError> {
        match {
            StartHomingSequence::ID => {
                dispatch::<_, StartHomingSequence, _>(self.motion, msg.contents(), map_result)

fn map_result<A, B>(result: Result<A, B>) -> Packet
    A: Into<Packet>,
    B: Into<Packet>,
    match result {
        Result::Ok(a) => a.into(),
        Result::Err(b) => b.into(),

Because Motion will need to return a Result<Ack, Nack>, we’ve had to update the dispatch() helper so we can manually specify the function for turning H::Response back into a Packet.

Previously it would always just use response.into(), but for the Motion we want to use map_result() instead.

Adding more generics to an already complicated dispatch() function isn’t great though, we may want to revisit it in the future and try to make things less clever…

The Motion system is now part of our application state, so we’ll also need to update the App appropriately.

// sim/src/

pub struct App {
    motion: Motion, // the motion system is now part of our app state

impl App {

    fn handle_comms(&mut self) {
        let mut router = Router {
            fps: &mut self.fps,
            motion: &mut self.motion, // <-- New!
        let mut outputs =
            aimc_comms::Outputs::new(&mut self.browser, &mut router);
        self.comms.poll(&self.inputs, &mut outputs);

To actually handle the StartHomingSequence message and switch to the Home control mode we’ll need to remember how the machine is wired up (e.g. axis numbers and speeds).

This requires adding a new MotionParameters struct to the Motion system. Later on we’ll let the user configure the motion parameters, but for now it’s okay to hard-code some defaults.

// motion/src/

pub struct Motion {
    motion_params: MotionParameters, // <-- new!
    control_mode: ControlMode,

pub struct MotionParameters {
    pub x_axis: usize,
    pub y_axis: usize,
    pub z_axis: usize,
    pub homing_speed: Velocity,

impl MotionParameters {
    pub fn homing_sequence(&self) -> Home {
        Home::new(self.x_axis, self.y_axis, self.z_axis, self.homing_speed)

impl Default for MotionParameters {
    fn default() -> MotionParameters {
        MotionParameters {
            x_axis: 0,
            y_axis: 1,
            z_axis: 2,
            homing_speed: Velocity:🆕:<millimeter_per_second>(10.0),

And now we should have everything we need to handle a StartHomingSequence.

// motion/src/

impl Handler<StartHomingSequence> for Motion {
    type Response = Result<Ack, Nack>;

    fn handle(&mut self, _: StartHomingSequence) -> Self::Response {
        match self.control_mode {
            ControlMode::Idle => {
                let home = self.motion_params.homing_sequence();
                self.control_mode = ControlMode::Home(home);
            // it doesn't make sense to start a homing sequence if we're already
            // doing something else...
            _ => Err(Nack::default()),

The Next Step

If you’ve done this sort of thing before, you’ll know we’ve got all the basic components for an embedded motion controller. There is:

  • A Communications system which talks to the outside world and can be used to send message to the various parts of the application
  • Some Automation Sequences
  • A Motion system which implements a state machine that can be used to move things around and interact with the outside world

We’ve got one big problem though…

This is a simulation that runs in the browser and at the moment all we can see is a white screen with a rapidly changing FPS Counter in one corner. There’s currently no way to interact with our simulator, set motion parameters, or even see what it’s doing.

That’ll be our goal for next time.